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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

TIRING!! Yesterday, play table tennis for almost 3 whole hours!!! lei si ren la! After that go Meritta's house, jog for 1 1/2 hours!!! My leg going to die le!!! SEE MERITTA, my STAMINA improve ok!!! Well a little, since we jogged for quite sometime followed by BRISKWALKING, and a little roller-blading. LOLs

Stamina, before:
low high

Stamina, after:
low high

See the improvement!!!I improve by 10%!!!
Thats a lot...
b b merit,
see you on thurs.


5:53 PM

Monday, October 29, 2007

LAter got tabletennis. So damn lazy. SO LAZY I wasn't even in the mood to study my vocabulary as I had planned. I hope Singapore will get cooler. A LOT COOLER.
If only that happens, like in Japan, most of us will not be worrying now about pimple outbreak!!! FREAK!!! OMG. I just realised that this year is the year that most of my milk teeth dropped! Can you imagine it??? 7!!!7Its going to be 8 soon. 8/20 x 100 = 40% of my teeth!!! wow. dumb. ewww. ok. HAHA Merit, I WILL POST YOUR PICS I TOOK AS A PAPARAZZI!!!MUHAHAHAHAHA< Well I was joking about the paparazzi part...> Am I evil or what?! Ok. See you later MERIT:]!!!


5:13 PM

Things I want to accomplish in the HOLIDAYS:
1.Practise self-control
2.Get a clear idea of next year's work and get As for my next EXAM
3.Buy comic books. ( you noe how I LURVE them )
4.Train for table tennis so I can go for competition
5.Finish the book " Historian" and move on to "Atlantis"<< The "historian" is a damn CHIM book. If you plan to read it, pls prepare a DICTIONARY>>
6.MEET UP with my BEST PAL MERITTA!!! as many times.1000000000000000000x
7.Be a GOOD little girl and TOLERATE Cessa's insanity.
8.Be as pro as EINDRA
9.IMPROVE in my organ: faking. I hate that part.Need to CHURN out so many IDEAS on da spot


7:22 AM

somebody save me from this world of total boredness!!!
I'm such a FAILURE
I can't even study for 3 whole hours
Its only been 1 hour and I, instead of studying for next year, have been reading ppl's blogs. HOW NICE.
Escape Theme Park was closed. Of ALL the dates, TODAY. Why not tomorrow??
DAMN IT. The trip was sooo damn long and we went there fer nothin. WASTED 0.45 cents.
So after that me, durga, ein, nicholas, carol and feli ting went to vivo and watched a movie.
FOR HEAVENS SAKE, next time no one should invite nicholas!!! DAMN IRRITATING.
The movie very " nice" the nicest movie I've EVER watched.
<< Lars and the real girl>> DUN EVER WATCH THAT.
and we played in the shallow waters at vivo like LITTLE kids and got ourselves REAL WET. ok, it was enjoyable...
Anywayss, tomorrow got table tennis. GOTTA IMPROVE!!!
Must develop my own mental strategies. GOTTA PLAY IN THE COMPETITION!!!
ok... SAyonara


7:12 AM

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I got a new lionhead fish... its called EBI. Doesn't it sound familiar??
YES!!! Its the jap FOOD>>>^o^ so NICE!!!*o*= starry eyed. SO DELICIOUS. ok... My exam results are HORRIBLE. Maybe not that BAD, but also not that GOOD. so? AIYAH... JUST HORRIBLE. I should have done BETTER!!!!!ok...
I have to do better in SEC2!!!!

2:30 AM

YAY!!! Today, our class won the inter-class games at 2nd place!!! Yipee!!!! Gosh. 1/6 so DAMN good... They won all the games. So obvious though, Most of the basketballers in school team come from 1/6. Jia Yu was HYPER today.^-^ we won 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 and 1/7. It was FUN!!! We lost to 1/1 and 1/6. Nevermind! At least we did our BEST!!! I only got to play when our class VS 1/7. It was GREAT! I hope there will be more of these activities. Anyway, Ms Chan resolved our RELATIONSHIP probs today, we took about 1hr!!! 0.o LoLoLoLoLoLoL DIAO.
ok... bb


2:09 AM

Thursday, October 18, 2007

SO BORED!!! OMG... Ms Chan said I ONLY did fairly well! OH BOTHER. Saturday must go to popular go buy Sec2 assesment to do lo... things are going to be tough. Anyone can tell me the dates of table-tennis during the hols? I forgot...=.='''' ok... the computer lac a lot. ok ok ok. Must speak GOOD english. Dun speak SINGLISH. Gotta go buy COMICS soon. Hols already.
b b


5:22 PM

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

BTW... I got new fishes! Name of fish 1: Gyoza ( its a red cap species)
Name of fish 2: Tako ( its a lion fish species)


3:50 AM

Today was sucky... English got 60+++, Math got 60..., biology got only 20/35, chinese got only 69/100[ 1 more mark to A1!!!], Art only 75, Home ec only 71, Geog got 84[ I could have gotten better...] , History I think is 89... can't confirm, OMG! I failed the math paper 1!!! >.<"" OMG... 1/2 mark more to pass!!!! with such HORRIBLE marks, how to be prefect???!!! They must have chosen the wrong person, should be Yen Lyn! I can't believe my art marks!!! 75! How can?! Eindra, Jia Yi and Feli Ting copied their art pieces from paintings from the internet DIRECTLY and guess how much they got?! 80-90++ marks!! Whatr is this coming to? I don't wanna be a copy cat![ no offence] must have own ideas... BE CREATIVE!! Must be too stress... My head's gonna EXPLODE. !!!!!!! November hols better start on sec2 work! Die die must get at least A2 for every test!!!
ok... gotta go...
P.S. Exam marks make me lose my appetite...>.<


3:37 AM

Sunday, October 14, 2007

My fishes are HERE. Ok... We only bought 2 fishes. HAHA. 2 fishes and no sand, no pebbles, no ornaments, no NOTHING. The fish might be thinking...
F1: F2, what are we doing here when we are happy n the lovely little fishy museum with our friends and in a lovely area with little bridges and aquatic plants???
F2: I'm not sure but we're just down on our luck...
F1: What do we do?! Its SUPER BORING!!! I'm bored stiff.=.="
F2: Never mind... I see the light at the end of the tunnel
F1: Don't be stupid! Its the light on top! DUH!
F2: I suppose we wait and see. And I have PERFECT eyesight! >.<""
F1: Whatever! Anyway, that little grl over there is STARING at me with her saucepan eyes! Its HORRIBLE
F2: I've heard the older girl saying that her name is Cessa. She's SUPER irritating...
F1: Ok, then I will ignore her...


2:48 AM

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Cessa is the WORST person I have ever come into contact with. SO NICE. EVERYDAY! She is so sickening, so IRRITATING, so nosey, she doesn't MYOB= mind your own business! She demands an answer for everything, makes sure she gets everything she wants, makes unreasonable demands,and is so disrespectful+ stuckup. what a person.
Note: never have a child born in the dragon year: she'll want everythong her way and she'll do anything to get it.
ok... going to play MAPLE. [ i'm must be too bored to get addicted again]


7:13 PM

Friday, October 12, 2007

BOTHER... Cessa's studying...her EXAMS are here!!! Muahahaha... My EXAMS are OVER!!!Xing fu... xing fu... later we going to "SOMEWHERE" to buy some FISH. I dont know why mummy suddenly want to buy FISH. Thats so unlike her... she said she has to go check out if she still has her tank... YAY! Later got GOONGs! OK... however you spell it... [PRINCE HOURS]ya...=.=' dots dots dots... today suppose to go "somewhere" with Eindra, Qiu Man, and jia min. But nevermind, on monday still can go ICE-SKATING!!!ok... gotta go!


6:09 PM

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Don't you ever realise that just when the holidays are here, you stay at home,especially when you're not chilling out with your pals, nothing to do, you have used the computer, watched the TV, read your favourite comics almost 10 times and you're just BORED to tears, don't you then feel like STUDYING?! The exams are OVER. yeah. But you just feel like injecting some sarcasm and a little bit of hardworkingness. LIFE is WEIRD. We want the HOLS, they're HERE. But the fun's gone when you're alone.=.=' Seriously, I don't know what to do now... But I'll just BLOG out all my unhappiness. LIFE is UNFAIR...


7:39 PM

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

YAHOO!!!! today is the LAST exam! yoohoo! ART=STRESS is OVER!!!! the BEST. yeah
ok... i'll go now...*lame*
ps. got to plan *****'s birthday !!! Holidays... here i come!


10:25 PM

YAHOO!!!! the word... FREEDOM is circling in my head now... HEEHEE i'm on cloud 9... ART tomorrow. STRESS. ok now the word has changed. STRESS.STRESS.STRESS. ok Think +. not -. thats rather lame. You now what CESSA said yesterday 2 me?! when she was really angry at me 4 saying that she was a spoiled BRAT, she said F YOU. SO NICE TO HEAR THAT FROM AN INNOCENT, CUTE(I TAKE BACK MY WORD), LITTLE PRIMARY ONE GIRL. Hows that?
Obviously you would be standing there with your bloodshot eyes, staring at her with your mouth WIDE open, looking like an idiot, thinking: please repeat what you just said. When she says it again, you think: if you say it again, you're so dead. And she repeats it again and again, taunting you and you can't take ot anymore and you're hand moves... clenched tight... slowly in action ........ and............... BAMM!!!! you whack her in the face. *maybe that was not true for me, ...)
But so horrifying. LOL.
Home ec was the most BORING exam paper i ever sat for. I waited for 45 mins. I REPEAT. 45 MINS. So nice.
ok... have to do art liao


12:24 AM

Monday, October 8, 2007

Is it MY LIFE or is it MY LIFE TAKEN OVER BY MY SIS??!! She is DAMN IRRITATING. Don't be fooled by her " CUTE" * YUCK * exterior! she has the most horrible ATTITUDE!!! So darn " NICE " *PUI*. Yesterday, she demanded that i sleep at 9 with and accompany her so that i will not watch TV?! how unreasonable is she?!!! She always screams at me, make sure EVERY SINGLE THINGS GO HER WAY. GUO FEN!!! 愚かである!= u are stupid! Dumb idiot.
* toot * * toot * CESSA NG!!
(my sis's *toot* name, isn't it *tooty*?!)


10:54 PM

検査は愚かである= exams are stupid! hahaha Meritta i hope you will see this. haha Meritta to ahem...:いるところに私の中心にとどまる Figure that out yourself! BLEAH. =P

10:08 PM

hahahahaha Chem was so darn HARD... ok... for those who learnt it was easy.=.='
I concentrated mostly on bio !!! I spent dunno how many hrs on drugs and guess how many qs came out
=.='''' omy god. only abt 3!!!!!!!!! WTH i should have paid more attention to chem... BOOOO! great. sooooooo nice


8:52 PM

Sunday, October 7, 2007

EXAMS!!! When is it going to be over!!!
NO MOOD TO STUDY... Argh... QISHAN!! when are u going to return me my PRECIOUS COMIC book and MERIT!! when are u going to finish reading Kirarin Revolution book 6?! Please... i read it in only 1/2 hrs, but u take half month!!!!. Fine...
ok... better study chem...


11:01 PM

YAY!!! I'm back from my food=o= so YUMMY! =p= salvia dripping... heehee. still have to memorise all of MS WONG'S w/s ... so SIANZ.
you noe wad happened?! History for the whole of section A, i was just *yawn*, *yawn*, and more *yawn*!! i can't believe myself!!! i was super tired until i reached the section B... my energy was back then, i'm not so sure y but i was full of vigour then! pooh... it should hav came back earlier!!!!! OK. i, seriously going to sleep at 9p.m. today. too kiasu but i have to live with it! jia you! jia you!


10:12 PM

GREAT!!! HISTORY. i have prepared to fail. i have registered my death of marks at the R.O.D.M= registration of death marks, i have reserved a space at the death of marks cemetery, and i have bought a coffin for my dead marks. i am PREPARED!!!
ok... gotta go! >-< bb


8:43 PM

Saturday, October 6, 2007

I love this video. Its the starting song for Kirarin Revolution:]


8:19 PM

SheeSh!!! I HAVEN'T EVEN LEARNT FINISH HISTORY!!! oh my goodness! i am so dead! so how????? so bothersome!!!! History sucks! SUCKS!!! ok
CALM ddddddoooooooowwwwwwwwnnnnnn..... gotta learn quick, tomorrow's history exams!
P.S. Mr Dom's rather nice. He got us some history w/s. HEEHEE


8:05 PM

Friday, October 5, 2007

pls view my friends... MUAHAHAHA

10:03 PM

Bother...I hate exams... they SUCK!!! still have to learn HISTORY>>> YUcK! ok... CESSA'S COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =.=' LaMe.. MUAHAHAHA! I'll have to get at least 80++ marks for ARt!!. Math si liao... still have to study BIO, CHEM, ... HOME ECONS!
ok... got to go! SAYONARA! >3< * muacks * *yuck*


9:01 PM